Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of uropathogens in children with urinary tract infections referring to Abuzar hospital in Ahvaz
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a prevalent disease among children. This study is an attempt to find the bacterial agents of UTI and antibiotic resistance in children. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 1316 clinical samples of children at Abuzar Hospital in Ahvaz that had positive urine culture. The strains were determined through biochemical tests and differential culture media. The pattern of antibiotic resistance of the studied strains was determined by the disk diffusion method. Out of the 1316 children surveyed, 821 were girls and 495 were boys. The most isolated strains from urine cultures were Escherichia coli (57.52%) followed by Enterococcus (12.15%). E. coli isolates demonstrated the highest resistance to ampicillin (57.06%) and amikacin was recognized as the most effective antibiotic with a sensitivity of 91.94%. E. coli was the most common causative agent of UTI in children. Amikacin was recognized as the appropriate choice against urinary tract pathogens. Because, in different regions and over time, the frequency distribution of antibiotic resistance varies, it is recommended to carry out periodic monitoring of antibiotic resistance for infection control.
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