Evaluation of the correlation between serum lipid characteristics of obese subjects and ADIPOQ gene rs266729 polymorphism in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province of Iran
Obesity is a multifactorial disorder that is influenced by various factors such as behavior, diet, environment, metabolic and genetic. This disease is the result of an imbalance between energy absorption and expenditure. Mutations in genes that are responsible for appetite control and metabolism are considered as the genetic component of obesity. Adiponectin protein is one of the most effective adipokines in regulating the body's energy homeostasis and fat storage, which is expressed by the ADIPOQ gene and secreted from white adipose tissue. The concentration of this protein in the blood decreases in obesity. In this study, the relationship between rs266729 polymorphism in the ADIPOQ gene with the level of biochemical parameters such as total cholesterol and triglyceride and HDL and LDL in the blood of obese people in Borujen (a city in Iran) was investigated. This study was performed on 100 people who referred to the Tamin Ejtemaee clinic due to obesity problems in Borujen. In this study, the ARMS-PCR method was used to determine the genotype of individuals. Based on the results of this study, no significant relationship was found between biochemical parameters including total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL with rs266729 polymorphism genotypes in ADIPOQ gene in obese subjects. We concluded that rs266729 polymorphism cannot be useful as an index parameter for predispose genotype for imbalance in total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL levels in a person.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.52547/JCBioR.1.2.66
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