Chest CT scan findings six months after COVID-19 pneumonia: A prospective cross-sectional study

Ezat Hesni, Aydin Pourkazemi, Sima Fallah Arzpeyma, Seyedeh Nazanin Seyed Saadat, Ali Alavi Foumani, Tofigh Yaghubi Kalurazi, Sonbol Taramian, Lida Mahfoozi, Hamed Akbari Koushkjeh


The severity of pulmonary complications in survivors of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia is not well understood, but there are concerns about potential long-term effects. In a prospective cross-sectional study, 43 consecutive patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection and respiratory symptoms were eligible. They were followed-up in Razi Hospital in Rasht, Iran from February 20, 2020, to September 22, 2021. These patients underwent chest CT scans six months after disease onset. The average age of the patients included in this research was 51.72±14.25. Out of the 43 examined patients, 25 patients (58.1%) had no residual radiological manifestations of COVID-19 pneumonia (complete recovery), 11 patients (25.6%) had remaining
ground glass opacities (GGO), and 7 patients (16.3%) had residual lung disease (Sub-pleural line). The statistical test did not show a significant relationship between age groups, gender, underlying diseases, duration of hospitalization, the extent and type of involvement, number of involved lobes, degree of involvement, average preliminary O2 saturation, and the O2 therapy method with the remaining pulmonary radiologic appearances caused by COVID-19 pneumonia. The study’s findings suggest that half of the patients develop chest CT-scan finding, with the most common being GGO followed by subpleural lines. We believe that if patients are followed up for more than six months, it is possible to gradually decrease the residual pulmonary manifestations in their CT scan findings.


COVID-19; Complication; CT scan; Pneumonia

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