Relation of proteinuria with severity assessment scores among intensive care unit-admitted patients at a tertiary care hospital in central India
Proteinuria was an indicator of both glomerular and renal endothelial injury in chronic disease, acute illness or post-surgery. Current study conducted with the aim of monitoring of proteinuria levels and predicting of mortality and morbidity of medical intensive care unit (MICU) admitted patients. Current non-randomized hospital based cross-sectional study conducted in 96 MICU admitted patients. A series of urine samples for measuring protein was taken for quantitative and qualitative measurement on day 1, day 3 and day 5. Severity of MICU admitted patients had been calculated by using APACHE II and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. Percent of patients with grade +3 proteinuria were increased from day 1 to 5. Mean APACHE II scores were significantly decreases from day 1 to 5, while mean SOFA scores was non-significantly increases from day 1 to 5. Moreover, mean values of APACHE-II (7.73 %) and SOFA (6.5 %) scores were significantly increasing with rise in levels of proteinuria on day 1, day 3 and day 5 of admission among survivors (P <0.05). However, there was non-significant relationship of APACHE-II and SOFA scores with outcome by comparing values of day 1 and day 3, but proteinuria had significant relationship with outcome on day 3. Proteinuria, APACHE-II and SOFA scores at admission can be used for quantifying degree of dysfunction or failure and triage of patients into risk categories for further management. Highest APACHE-II and SOFA scores can identify critical point at which patient exhibit highest degree of organ dysfunction at MICU stay.
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