Health protocol compliance in the prevention of COVID-19: Comparison of healthcare workers and ordinary people groups
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a type of acute respiratory syndrome that due to its high prevalence, mortality, and the lack of appropriate treatment; health protocol compliance has the most important role in controlling this disease. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the frequency of health protocol compliance in the prevention of COVID-19 in two groups of healthcare workers and ordinary people. In this cross-sectional study, individuals were randomly selected from two groups of healthcare workers and ordinary people in the community. Information was completed in the form of an online questionnaire and in-person interview. A total number of 246 ordinary people and 216 healthcare workers were studied. The mean age of ordinary people was 35.53±10.16, and the mean age of healthcare workers was 34.16±8.74 years. The effect of age, gender, education level, occupation, contact with a suspected individual in the group of ordinary people, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection among family members and relatives in the group of healthcare workers, and travel history in both groups on the score of health protocol compliance was significant. The effect of habitat, underlying disease, medication history, history of SARS-COV-2, family member infection, or death, was not significant. Healthcare workers were more knowledgeable, had more positive attitudes, and their higher sense of total well-being was seen to be more critical to enhancing compliance.
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